The frequently asked questions

Q: The program crashes if I try to compile a LaTeX 2.09 document in compatibility mode.
A: I know... At the moment I have no idea why this happens. Try to use up to date LaTeX styles.

Q: I get the error message “No primary file set.”
A: Just set the primary file before compiling, viewing or printing.

Q: What to do if KTeXShell says “TeX missed an input file. I set it to null.tex” ?
A: Inspect the logfile, which input file was missed, and try to input the right file in the next run.

Q: Where can I get further information about TeX and LaTeX?
A: Visit for example www.dante.de or www.latex-project.org

Q: KTeXShell does not compile under KDE2, but I want to use it with the new desktop!
A: All versions since 0.4.0 compile with KDE2. If you get errors during compile, be sure to have your compiler options set properly.
I used the following settings:
export CXXFLAGS=" -O0 -g3 -Wall "
export LDFLAGS="  "


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